Emotional Support for
Sensitive Souls in or Approaching Menopause
Ways of Working With Me
One to One:
A potentially game-changing 90 minute session in which to:
Share and be witnessed in your menopause story so far (which can be a hugely powerful and precious experience in it's own right)
​Lean into my guidance and holding
​Explore current challenges in relation to your peri/menopause process and
​Get clear on simple self care steps you can integrate into your life going forward
Includes a follow up email with resources to support your onward journey
£75 - £115 sliding scale
for the session and bespoke resources
Holistic, therapeutic and body-focused sessions to support you wherever you are in your peri/menopause process. We can focus on anything that you want support with including issues around relationships, sexuality and work, sense of self worth, fear, anxiety and overwhelm and more. I will support you to access inner resources that you didn't know you had; in fact you may find that your sensitivity is your biggest ally throughout your menopause process.
1 hour:
£50 - £70 sliding scale
90 minutes:
£70 - £100 sliding scale
Groups and events:
An Introduction to Menopause as Soul Work
An inspiring and nourishing 90 minutes - including an introduction to the 5 Elements map of menopause to help orient yourself in the cycle of change, invitations for self enquiry and a guided meditation to help you connect with the qualities and gifts of each phase in your own body and being.
I offer these short intro workshops in person and online.
Join my mailing list to hear about future dates, or I can come to your group or organisation.
Online and In-Person circles
Community, connection and time to rest into the holding of the Menopause Map.
I offer these 6 session courses on line and in person.
Join my mailing list to hear of future dates.
Menopause Retreats and Events
I am currently working on some delicious menopause retreats and workshops offerings. Sign up to my mailing list if you'd like to hear about them as soon as they're ready!